
There are three things I love to do.


I love to watch snow falling, so quietly wafting through the air and gently lighting on the ground. There’s something so profound about such a simple happening.

I love to watch logs burning in a fireplace, the full flames in orange flashing light while the embers glow red and orange and yellow, constantly exchanging patterns of light and dark.

I love to watch the lights on a Christmas tree, especially when they are twinkling. Staring at a tiny light of immense color and then the branches and ornaments awash in the soft afterglow gives me pause and sets me up for deep relaxation.

I think that watching a simple snowfall brings an enchantment into our lives that no one, no matter how hard boiled or egotistical or self-involved, can escape from the magical

charms it sprinkles into us. These favorite things, and I’m sure you have your own that do the same to you, open us up and bring in a light that never goes away entirely. No matter how dark, sad, sorrowful and grievous it gets, that little light shines somewhere inside and gives us pause just as it did when it first settled into us, a tiny wee ember that is ready to spark the joy of living once again.

That must be what Christmas is and what it means to us. It doesn’t matter what religion or faith or belief you are, each one has it’s won Christmas lights. It’s a miracle of life that we will probably never understand nor do we need to. We just need to watch and enjoy.

Merry Christmas to all and to all lots of lights. And my those lights brighten the New Year with miracles and blessings that fully delight.