Donate Here

                 Donate Here!

There are as many reasons to donate to a good cause as there are people who want to donate.

I hope you have found something here on my site that lights up your life, that gives you hope to do or be or have something better in your life. If you have, then I have spent my time well. If you have and you are grateful, then I would be extremely delighted if you would like to show your appreciation by giving me a small sum to help me get by.

I was in an auto accident in 1997 that has left me unable to do a normal job. I am a writer and have chosen this method to keep writing, as I am able in my own way and my own time.

Below is a Donate Button. Choose any amount that suits you and click to make the connection. I would love to hear what you have found here that gives you a  moment to reflect and go on a little happier and blessed. Spread your joy and spread the Tree of Life!



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