Add Your Own Miracles: Pope Francis’s Saints I’m glad that Pope Francis’s saints are being brought to light, but aren’t we lagging behind? Is this just the cream finally rising to the top or could we do more to spotlight … Continue reading
Category Archives: Forging Forward
Mother’s Day Pride

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Mother’s Day Pride I didn’t want this day to pass before I could tell everyone how proud I am of my mother and her role in WW II while growing up in Berlin, Germany. Of course I wrote Heddy’s Miracles … Continue reading
Tiger Moms

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Tiger Moms I’ve long heard pros and cons for the Asian method of raising children. We’ve watched decades of Tiger Moms using these methods here in the USA. Asian children respect people more and get better grades and work long … Continue reading
Knoxville Quest
Knoxville Quest How does it come to this? This 83 year old and her young accomplices have made it their Knoxville Quest to dig up some dirty little nuclear secrets and bring them to light. We know what they say … Continue reading
Free Downloads God Speaks

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Free downloads of God Speaks! If an ordinary nobody gets to hear God actually speaking to her in an audible voice and learns that God is really with each individual at all times, YOU need to know about it and … Continue reading
BOSTON BOMBING FREE COPIES OF GOD SPEAKS I wrote this on Jeff Bauman Jr.’s support page: Gloria Slater Jeff, you and all the other wounded in Boston have our prayers for the times when you are alone and really need … Continue reading
Boston Marathon Bombing

This gallery contains 3 photos.
Boston Marathon Bombing We never cease to be shocked over an event such as the Boston Marathon Bombing, but the shock wears off and we go back to business as usual. What is business as usual and how do we … Continue reading
Brave New World Order
Brave New World Order Are we so busy keeping afloat that we aren’t concerned about the ship sinking? Or is that what was intended in the first place? Where does it end? Do we have a choice? Of course we … Continue reading
Heddy’s Miracles ~ A True Story — The Movie
Heddy’s Miracles ~ A True Story — The Movie Yes, ever since I was in the middle of writing my historical novel about Mom and her family’s journey through Hitler’s black sinister world of evil, I saw it as a … Continue reading
LIving Without Money
Living Without Money I’ve been wondering if this could be done and have been planning a way to do this for decades. Living without money today. And here is someone who has managed to do it already. Money is, I … Continue reading