God Speaks is on Kindle!


God Speaks is on Kindle!

Hello to all my great friends and family! It snowed yesterday! Beautiful.

The Accident

I want to share with you a book telling the story about my auto accident in 1997 that has lead to my disability and all the miracles that happened right after the accident. I just published it on Kindle. It’s entitled “God Speaks” and I would love if you could buy it at only $0.99 and then leave a great review.

The Miracles

I wrote the book not long after the accident, but finished and published it nearly a decade later. When I read the manuscript after so many years, even I was amazed at all God had done for this unknown, inconsequential nobody — me. We all feel that way about ourselves, but, obviously, God doesn’t! I was important enough to God for Him to call me by my name — out loud! Amazing.


Amazon Best Seller

Please. Help me sell hundreds. Buy my book download on Kindle on the Amazon website. Read it and be as amazed as I am at what God can do in our lives. It’s only $.99! It would go a long way having my book on the Amazon Best Seller List. That will help me immensely in getting the word around about all my books (I have written and self published 4 books so far) and about what God does for all His people. Selling more books will mean a better life since my disability due to my auto accident in 1997 has left me unable to work.

More than that, I hope you find something in my tale that makes you perk up and live strong. Enjoy!

God Bless you, every one!

God Speaks
