Miracle Births


Miracle Births

Miracle births? What are the odds? 133,225 to one. Well, I don’t think it happens that often. The numbers must be skewed. Maybe not.

Read the article here.


I’ve heard quite a few families share the oddity of two of the family members sharing the same birthday. But this is CRAZY!

And for the me the question is “What’s that mean?!”

Miracle births. How does it happen?! Why does it happen?! Is it something the parents wish for, knowingly or not? Is it something written in the stars, literally? Is is something that these people decide before they’re born. There’s the verse in the Bible that says we talk with God before we’re born. I can’t find it. Can you? I know it’s in there. Please let me know!

Happy searching! Life’s an a’venture!